Berry Funky Mind was born on March 18, 2022. We were "coming out" of the pandemic. I wanted a super funky t-shirt for the Coldplay concert, since they are a super authentic and colorful band, so I went to many stores looking for one. I returned home very disappointed because I didn't find anything that caught my attention!

Seeing my great disappointment, my husband told me: "And why don't you paint a t-shirt?"

I kept thinking and said "Of course! How had it not occurred to me before?"

At that time I was painting pictures with acrylic paint because since I was little I have liked to paint and in those difficult moments I needed to express my emotions through art.

I painted an old t-shirt that I had in my closet and I went to the concert very happily with a fun and colorful t-shirt.

Here I am at the Coldplay concert with my t-shirt.

From this day on, a deep desire to impact people and the environment was born.